Finding Meaning

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Mark & Annette Anderson

01 September 2021

49m 29s

Creating A Life You Can Love



Are you looking to create a happier life? In this podcast, Tamara Zoner will teach us how we can do it. She is an international speaker and coach on creating happiness in the world by teaching individuals and groups about positive habits they need for success!

Tamera is a show-not-tell single mom to 3 awesome kids and karaoke enthusiast, Tamara demonstrates daily how to create a life you love!.

This episode has a perfect blend of spirituality, self-love, and practicality.  The hosts and Tamara have a delightful conversation full of tips about how we can create a life that is authentic to who we are by being true to ourselves. They also talk about practical ways in which each of us could shift our relationships for the better while creating lives filled with love."

In this podcast, we share ways that happiness is a choice. We explain how to find and keep it! Happy people are more successful at work; they have better relationships with their friends and family members. Additionally, they make smarter decisions when in difficult situations. And even though there's no "right" way to be happy-happy is something you can create for yourself!"

You can connect with Tamera by joining her Facebook Group at

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