Finding Meaning

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Mark & Annette Anderson

07 June 2021

50m 54s

Facing Life Head On



Carey Portell is an advocate against distracted driving as well as being an advocate for farm safety. After surviving being hit by an impaired driver, Carey has become a public speaker regarding her recovery, the challenges that she endures, and how working as a disabled cattle farmer/speaker has given her purpose again.

Awesome. Awesome. So before we leave our conversation and I think that we could probably go on for another hour, cause I'm, I'm, we've really enjoyed this dialogue here, but we always give our guests the last word there. And you know, we've talked about a lot, we've talked about emotional resilience, physical resilience, spiritual resilience. We've talked about thriving versus just surviving. We've talked about a lot, forgiveness,

Carey is there anything else that you'd like to share with our listeners as to your story and what you've learned that might be helpful for those that are dealing with their own internal struggles

Yeah. I feel that if you will use the support, the positive support system around you, and if you make a daily choice to have a positive attitude, I don't care what you're going through. It doesn't have to be anything remotely close to what I'm going through. I promise that if you do those two things, you will get through any challenge in your life, but you, you have to choose to use them both

Carey is the author of the book Facing Life Head On

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