Finding Meaning

episode artwork

Mark & Annette Anderson

05 May 2021

45m 44s

Walking In Hope



Dr. Heim is an award-winning Psychiatrist, Music Professor, and Churchill fellow. During his 20 years of continuous clinical practice, he has heard the stories of 1000s of people. Combining science, entertainment, and large doses of Australian humor, he speaks from a place of deep compassion and authority on Mental Health issues that are affecting us all in this new normal: anxiety, depression, addictions, personality issues, trauma, suicide, and relationship breakdown. His latest book "The 7 Love Types: navigating love in a fractured world" has just been released.

Dr. Christian can "break down this [mental health] stuff in real terms" (Attorney, Philadelphia).  He uses a lot of ways to do this: humor, stories and I podcast with a live piano in front of me (I used to be a music professor). Mental Health is tough to talk about, but he's into prevention to make this world a happier and less stress-driven place.

We chat about difficult issues - suicide, broken relationships, trauma - but these are handled incredibly sensitively. And what's more important is that there is always hope given, huge DOSES of it in the practical takeaways.
Most importantly, Dr. Heim shares his big heart for people's mental health and wants to work hard to prevent mental health breakdowns-this world needs it more now than ever before.

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