Finding Meaning

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Mark & Annette Anderson

10 February 2022

53m 39s

How Christian Women are living in their own Prisons



In this episode of Trail Angels, powered by Cairn the Load, Annette & Mark have an engaging conversation with Tabatha Perry about why Christian Women find themselves living in their own prisons?

Tabatha Perry is the ultimate go-to for the Non9-5er who doesn't have the typical schedule and needs help getting their daily life on track! With over 15 years of experience in the Criminal Justice System, 20+ moves under her belt, a Masters's in Social Worker, a girl-mom, wifey, and Life Coach, she's got advice that will make any day less stressful for the person juggling many balls in the air! As a professional over-thinker, she's learned how to simplify her day and loves helping people create simple & small edits in their daily life, so they thrive personally and professionally! 

They compare themselves to others about how they are doing it wrong or not as good as the other. Women live in their own prisons because they set themselves up to fail. They have routines of comparison, condemnation, and self-doubt ingrained in every morning and evening, leading to a low-grade level of stress that takes a toll on them mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

We chat about the worst thing EVERYONE does that sabotages their success?

What distracts people the most from accomplishing their goals?

Why aren't many Christians living up to their fullest potential?

Tabatha shares some essential tools that will help us make small edits that result in success.

Many Non-9-5ers want help organizing their life but don't think it's possible without becoming overwhelmed. Tabatha has offered a FREE Life Strategy Session to listen to your personal story and provide you with a simple strategy to create more order in their life and see how they have the ability to step into their fullest God-given potential! Tabatha wants to equip people with the confidence to create order in their lives!

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