Finding Meaning

episode artwork

Mark & Annette Anderson

23 July 2021

53m 48s

Don't Judge A Book By It's Colors / Beyond Stereotypes



American professional wrestler, better known by his shortened name Will Kaye or his ring name, Brimstone is the guest of this episode of Trail Angels, powered by Cairn the Load.  Instead of spending time in the ring Brim can be found in schools speaking to the students as an anti-bullying advocate. Our guest, Brim, shares his compelling story of how he was an outsider. The only white Jewish kid in the neighborhood.  At first glance, Brim's looks might scare you, but if you get to know him, you will see that he has much wisdom to offer. This is a classic example of not judging a book by its cover. Brimstone is a renowned speaker against bullying and suicide.  

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