Finding Meaning

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Mark & Annette Anderson

09 December 2021

43m 52s

Part 2 - Impact On A Marriage - Healing After Affairs



As we visit with Autumn and Chris Bennett in the first podcast, Autumn & Chris shared a difficult story of betrayal and mistrust in their marriage. Part two will begin to really develop in what we can learn as we confront the most difficult times of our lives.  As you listen to the rest of their story today, realize one very important truth. You're not alone in your struggles.
Many have gone before that have set trail markers for you. When you're faced with sometimes overwhelming thoughts and fears of life, there are trusted professionals, family members, clergy, and others. They're willing to assist you with your burdens and would willingly do so. If you'd simply ask, please reach out. 

When you feel that your life is spinning out of control, others can and will be willing to help you. This is not about guilt. That's what the world teaches our podcast today is about hope and conquering the destructive elements of negative self-worth.  Now sit back and relax and thanks for joining us today. 

There are many ways to heal after an affair. It's important for the survivor of infidelity, betrayal, and addiction not only to deal with their pain but also feel supported by those around them in order to recover too. In this episode on Trail Angels powered by Cairn The Load we share raw real heartfelt feelings that will encourage you as well! We speak with Autumn & Chris Bennett about how God helped them through these dark times- trusting him was like finding new hope again even when all seemed lost; his grace is amazing--he never gives up  on us!

Chris and Autumn's story is one of recovery, as they chronicle the process. Their honesty provides an interesting perspective on what it means to be in love with yourself before you can even think about loving another person more than your own life- something that many people never learn how to do until it's too late!

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